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Endoscopy is a broad term which encompasses all procedures that involve looking inside hollow organs like bowel, bladder, airways etc using usually a flexible telescope which uses fibre-optic technology.

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is of three types:


Also called Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (or OGD) is a procedure to look at your oesophagus (or food pipe), stomach and the duodenum (upper part of small bowel). This procedure is undertaken if you suffer from acid reflux disease which causes indigestion, heartburn, an acid-like or sour taste in the mouth and occasionally a feeling of food sticking in your chest. The procedure is done usually under sedation and as a day case. It helps to confirm diagnosis, exclude anything sinister, look for a bug called Helicobacter Pylori which can exacerbate your symptoms and check for Coeliac disease.

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy:

Also called Fibre Optic Sigmoidoscopy (or FOS) and aims to investigate the rectum and the left part of your large bowel or colon. It is usually undertaken to investigate symptoms of fresh rectal bleeding which may be associated with anal symptoms. Therapeutic procedures like banding of piles can be combined with this procedure.


This is visualisation of the entire large bowel or colon. This is undertaken if you have experienced a persistent change in your bowel habit with or without associated rectal bleeding. It is also undertaken if you have a history of polyps, family history of colorectal cancer or history of inflammatory bowel disease. It can be done under sedation as a day case and can be combined with therapeutic procedures like polypectomy (removal of polyps).

Mr Rai offers all three endoscopy procedures as a day case at:

BMI Alexandra Hospital, Cheadle

Spire Regency Hospital, Macclesfield.

52 Alderley Road clinic, Wilmslow

The Christie Clinic.