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Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

  • Rai S, Sarathchandra S, Smile SR. A Study of the risk of strangulation and obstruction in groin hernias. Aust NZ J Surg 1998; 68(9) : 650 – 4.
  • Rai S, Stotter A. Management of elderly patients with breast  Cancer - surgery as part of local treatment. Eur J Surg Oncol 2002; 28: 788.
  • Rai S, Hemingway D. Acute adrenal insufficiency presenting as high output ileostomy. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2003; 85: 105-6.
  • Rai S, Thomas WM. Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis: the importance of laparoscopy. J R Soc Med 2003; 96: 586-88.
  • Rai S, Hemingway D. Iron deficiency anaemia - useful diagnostic tool for right sided colorectal cancers? Colorectal Disease 2005; 7(6) : 588-590.
  • Rai S, Stotter A. Elderly patients with breast cancer – time for surgery. ANZ J Surg 2005; 75(10): 863-865.
  • Rai S, Kelly MJ. Prioritisation of colorectal referrals - a review of the 'Two week wait' referral system. Colorectal disease 2007; 9 (3) : 195-202
  • Rai S, Kelly MJ. Prioritisation of colorectal referrals - a review of the 'Two week wait' referral system and recent advances. To be published as a chapter in the book titled Recent advances in colorectal cancer 2006; in press
  • Rai S, Ballal M, Thomas WM, Miller A, Jameson JS, Steward WP. Assessment of a patient consultation questionnaire-based scoring system for stratification of outpatient risk of colorectal cancer. British Journal of Surgery 2008; 95: 369-374


Colorectal Cancer – the prediction of risk: Predicting your risk of colorectal cancer
Lambert Academic Publications